The search results of the 「Pulp/Chip/Sheet former Dehydrator」

3in the case / showing1-3 case
Centrifugal pulp dehydrator (stationary type)
Pulp/Chip/Sheet former / Dehydrator
  • No.2536
  • [JIS]
  • [TAPPI]
  • [ISO]
This machine dehydrates paper stock by centrifugal force. All the sections in contact with liquid are made of stainless steel (SUS-304). The basket is well balanced, free of vibration, so it operates very silently. With permanently lubricated bearings, maintenance is very easy. The brake is applied by pulling the lever.
Large size centrifugal dehydrator (suspended type with three legs)
Pulp/Chip/Sheet former / Dehydrator
  • No.2537
  • [JIS]
  • [TAPPI]
  • [ISO]
This machine rapidly dehydrates pulp slurry. Unique suspended design completely offsets unbalance in rotation. Low noise of rotation. The brake immediately stops the operation.
Centrifugal separator for measurement of water retention value of pulp
Pulp/Chip/Sheet former / Dehydrator
  • No.2538
  • [JIS]
  • [TAPPI]JTAPPI№26-2000
  • [ISO]
Measurement of pulp swelling degree by centrifugal force is a method for evaluating the beatability of pulp. It is known that there is a close relationship between water retention and strength of paper. Water retention is measured by centrifugally separating water retained in pulp from free water in and between fibers. Put 0.5g (O.D.) of pulp slurry in the metallic pulp lined with wire, and scatter water. Then, the specimen is taken out from the filter and dried, and its mass is measured. Water retention is calculated from a formula.
Referential standard: J TAPPI No.26

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